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Showing posts from June, 2012

Mesin Laundry

Mesin Laundry - Akhir-akhir ini marak sekali pembukaan gerai baru laundry kiloan. Terutama pada tempat yang berada disekitaran kampus, yang merupakan hotspot untuk bisnis laundry kiloan ini. Mesin cuci laundry kiloan terdiri dari mesin dry clean, wet clean, dryer, washer dan juga finishing serta ditambah beberapa perlengkapan lainnya. Mesin cuci laundry kiloan sedikit berbeda dengan mesin cuci rumahan biasa karena daya tampungnya yang lebih besar dan kapasitas mencuci yang lebih banyak dari mesin cuci biasa. Harga mesin cuci laundry bervariasi, khususnya untuk mesin laundry second / bekas. Penjual mesin laundry online saat ini sudah banyak beredar, anda bisa dengan mudah menemukannya via website mereka. Dan bisa juga datang langsung ke tempat mereka, biasanya mereka juga memberikan konsultasi secara gratis lho. Instalasi mesin laundry juga cukup mudah, dan mereka juga menyediakan paket untuk membuka usaha laundry kiloan jadi anda tinggal menjalankan bisnisnya. Secara offline,...

Harga Mesin Cuci Laundry

Harga mesin cuci laundry sangat bervariasi dipasaran. Belum lagi ditambah ongkos kirim yang beragam, apalagi untuk anda yang berada diluar pulau jawa. Bukan hanya harga dari mesin laundry nya saja yang harus diperhatikan. Tetapi harga ongkos kirim untuk mesin tersebut juga harus diperhitungkan dengan seksama. Berikut info daftar harga mesin laundry yang saya dapatkan pada saat menulis blog post ini. Mesin Cuci LG WD-M8060TD Front Loader 6 kg Cocok Buat Usaha Laundry Second Harga Rp. 3.500.000,- Mesin Pengering EDV 600,EDV 606,EDE 419,EDE 418 dan mesin cuci laundry EW 1162, EW 862, EW 879. Harga Rp. 10.500.000,- dryer 10kg USA - washer 10kg USA - steam boiler - seterika uap - vacuum table - chemikal laundry- instalasi - traning SOP laundry. - Harga Rp.45.000.000 -1 Unit Mesin cuci ELEKTROLUX 6kg -1 Unit Dryer ELEKTROLUX 6kg -1 Unit Timbangan Analog 20kg -1 Unit Setrika Philifs 1172 -1 Set Regurator Gas SNI -1 Buah Tabung Gas 3kg -5 Set Hanger Kawat -5 Keranjang  Pakaya...

Leather Messenger Bags

Leather messenger bags is a favorite types that men and women choose. The sales number for this item is high, because people love it. Here is what Jeremy said about leather messenger bags for men : Leather messenger bags is a sack which is made from cloth. It has a shoulder strap so you can wear it over your shoulder. Some leather messenger bags have carry handles and shoulder straps so that the individuals can carry them in two ways. It is important that the carry handle and shoulder strap is padded so that your hand won't get injured after carrying for many hours. When shopping around, you can use your hand to press the padding of the shoulder strap. If the padding is too thin, you should not buy it because it is insufficient to protect your hand. You must determine the style of the bag which you want to buy. Designer bags offer designs based on the most recent trend. Branded bags are made from top graded leather so they look stylish. If you want to a fashionable bag, you...

Spiderman Shoes

Who don't know spiderman, a superhero from comic book is so popular from little kiddy boys to grandpa. They all love the spiderman. People sometimes have merchandise of their superhero. Here we are talking about merchandise from spiderman. The spiderman shoes . Spiderman shoes is a red boot shoes, that fit with your foot. The spiderman shoes is available today in the market. You can easy find this stuff at local shoes store or online store like amazon, ebay and other website. That is not only boot, you can also find spiderman shoes for kid with cute printed spiderman motifs in shoes. I think your kiddy boy will like this as their birthday gift. For teenager there is spiderman shoes to choose with worldwide brand from Reebok Thermalvibe Spiderman Preschool Shoes, Nike Dunk Low Spiderman or even Sneaker : Toddler Boy's Spiderman Athletic Shoe. Price for spiderman shoes at online market is below $50 per pair, some store also give you free shipping and other give your more...